Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sufjan Stevens - 10.30.10

The build up to this show is quite a back story that I will try not to bore you too much with. My good friend and 'rock star' of a friend Yuuki has been touring with Sufjan Stevens during "The Age of Adz" tour this fall. The Seattle show at the Paramount had been sold out for a number of weeks when I received an email from him saying that a few friends and myself were included on a guest list. I honestly don't know much about Sufjan's music aside from the miscellanous soundtrack contributions he's done over the course of the 2000's. I was completely blown away.

You know how when you're watching a cheesy high school-ish movie (say 500 days of Summer, or 10 things I hate about you type movies) when there's that pivotal moment when everything is perfect, or someone's just overcome a huge issue or whatever. And during that scene the song choice is so so so important, because it's really not a movie of much importance, and that song choice really just makes you like the movie and get what the 'message' is?? That's kind of how I felt about the show. I could hear those songs as the soundtrack during those times (real and in movieland). Wordy, inarticulate, but whatever, I think you guys get it.

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